Walking On Water...Mat 14:29

Mat 14:29
So He said, "Come." And when Peter had come down out of the boat, he walked on the water to go to Jesus.

Peter, the only other man (other than Jesus Himself, the God-Man) that had walked on water, was made a partner in this miracle of God when he focused on Jesus.

In natural, no human can walk on water, whether it's calm or boisterous, because we are heavier than water. I imagined that the moment when Jesus said "Come", the power that transforms Peter's body to that lighter than water was made available and was arrested and grabbed hold by Peter as he focused on Jesus.

However, Peter lost his grip on this power when he allowed himself to be distracted by the boisterous wind and started to focus on his natural being, heavier than water, and he started to sink.

Brethren, this is a picture of self effort! Our sweet Lord is show us here that in this mode, we are still depending on our ability to focus, and that can become self effort and not fail safe!

However, as I read on, verse 31 recorded that Jesus stretched out His hand and caught him when Peter cried out for help, hallelujah! Guess what come next? Peter walked on water again, but this time Jesus was holding his hand. Regardless of where/what Peter was focusing, he walked on water because Jesus was holding his hand and walked BESIDE him!

Praise Jesus! This is a picture of pure grace which I believe God want me to etch into my heart. He is our Saviour and we are the saved, let us just rest in Him. Surrender ourself, let Him hold our hands and walked with us over ALL our circumstances, AMEN!

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