Glory Of God...Num 14:21

Num 14:21
"but truly, as I live, all the earth shall be filled with the glory of the LORD--

God spoke to children of Israel through Moses after they had threatened to stone Joshua and Caleb, the only two out of the twelve spies that brought good reports.

Despite the rebellion of Israelites, God is faithful to His promise - all the earth, i.e. the whole world, shall be filled with the glory of the LORD.

The word "glory' is "כבוד" in Hebrew where

"כ" (kaph) is a picture of cupping or receiving hand
"ב" (beth) is a picture of house
"ו" (waw) is a picture of peg or nail
"ד" (daleth) is a picture of door

Putting them together, I am seeing that "glory" (כבוד) has a picture of Jesus nailed on the cross to be the Way for us (the house/temple of God). Jesus on the cross is the glory of the Lord for the world, hallelujah!

Brethren, stop seeking ways to 'glorify' God! The glory of God is now in you, as Christ now live in and through you. People of the world would not be able to see the Christ in you but they can see the physical and material manifestation, through the divine health, prosperity and family harmony that a believer enjoyed. You are the glory of God because you are a believer of Christ!

Christ is the only and narrow way to this glory, and as I had shared yesterday in "Walking On Water", this is pure grace, untainted by any human effort. Surrender yourself and simply accept Him as your Saviour, let Him hold our hand and walk with us through the adventures of life, AMEN.

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