Upbring of Children...Isa 54:13

As a parent, one of my greatest concerns in life is the upbringing of my children. The weight of such responsibility can sometime be so overwhelming that it can practically cause us to worry and fear all the while.

If you are one of the above , like I was, I would like to share the good news with you. In Isa 54:13, God expressed His will that:

Isa 54:13
All your children shall be taught by the LORD,
And great shall be the peace of your children.

Hallelujah! Who else is more qualified to teach our children than the Almighty God Himself? Moreover, as He love our children more than anyone else, including the parents and the kids themselves! Surprised? Jesus said in Mat 10:30, "But the very hairs of your head are all numbered." I would be a liar if I can tell you I have numbered very hairs on mine and my children heads, but God, loving us so intensely and individually that He has done so for you and me!

And look at the consequence of being taught by our Lord, great peace! The word 'peace' here in Hebrew is
שלום (shalom) which means:

1) completeness (in number)
2) safety, soundness (in body)
3) welfare, health, prosperity
4) peace, quiet, tranquility, contentment
5) peace, friendship
a) of human relationships
b) with God especially in covenant relationship

This peace will set our children to reign in their lives, regardless of situation!

So parents, rest assuredly in this promise of God, have faith in His faithfulness in keeping ALL His promises, and stop being stress up with trying to teach the children ourselves.

If you will, pray this prayer with me:

"Father in heaven, thank you for sending Jesus, Your only begotten Son, to come as the Lamb, to die for our sins, to bear the judgments of our iniquities, and to be raised on the third day so that we are justified to be perfectly righteous in Your eyes. I am persuaded that the same Spirit that raise Jesus from the tomb is now in me, teaching me children through us with perfect wisdom and love, and all I need to do is keep myself in this persuasion and rest in the perfect wisdom and love, AMEN!"

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