Abba...Mar 14:36

Mar 14:36
And He said, "Abba, Father, all things are possible for You. Take this cup away from Me; nevertheless, not what I will, but what You will."

After the last supper, Jesus went with his disciples to Gethsemane, which mean oil press, and was straight away pressed hard (Mar 14:33), filled and deeply distressed with the horror of man's sufferings under the weights of their sins. Their sufferings were so horrific and the victims were so pitiful that Jesus felt so sad for man that His soul was exceedingly sorrowful onto death (Mar 14:34).

His love for man demand that He must fulfill the Messianic prophecies to the very last, going through the passion of death in His body, soul and spirit, in order to be the first fruit of eternal life, body, soul and spirit for man. Only Jesus, the sinless lamb of God (Jhn 1:29) is worthy of this task.

Lest we think that the Passion of the Christ is easy for Jesus, as He is the Son of God, the sweet Holy Spirit is faithful to record the prayer of Jesus pleading God to find another easier mean to save the sinners. Jesus is 100% man when He was on the Earth.

Jesus in His prayer in Gethsemane cried out "Abba", reflecting the tenderness of love between God the Father and God the Son. As a father myself, I can imagine the pain and sorrow that God the Father went through as He listened to Jesus' prayer and lovely cry of "Abba", yet must lovely answer Jesus' prayer with a "No" because there is only one way to save the lost, through the Passion of the Christ!

Brethren, let's not let Christ went through the Passion in vain by not fully claiming our position as a son of God (Luk 3:38)! Jesus forfeited His Sonship on the cross (Mat 27:46), so that we can cry out "Abba" to God to enjoy His tender loving kindness and protection, AMEN.

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