Olive Oil...Exd 27:20

Exd 27:20
"And you shall command the children of Israel that they bring you pure oil of pressed olives for the light, to cause the lamp to burn continually.

In the New Testament, we are called the sons of light (Luk 16:8; Jhn 12:36 and 1Th 5:5), and Exd 27:20 offers a detailed picture of how Christ works through us to bring salvation to the world.

In Exd 27:20, children of Israel is a picture of Christians, the pure oil speaks of the Holy Spirit while olives typifies Christ.

Jesus Christ was beaten and crushed for us, so that we don't have to bear the punishment from God for our sins. In fact, His beating, death, resurrection and finally ascension were necessary for Him to send the Holy Spirit from heaven to earth, to teach us all things, and bring to our remembrance all things that we learn from the Bible (Jhn 14:26). The Holy Spirit also brings the gifts (1Cr 12:8 - 10) of:

1. Word of wisdom
2. Word of knowledge
3. Faith
4. Healing
5. Working of miracles
6. Prophecy
7. Discerning of spirits
8. Different kinds of tongues
9. Interpretation of tongues

Olive oil was also used for anointing of the tabernacle and everything there in to make them holy (Exd 40:9). This is a beautiful picture of the sanctification of the Holy Spirit (the anointing oil) on our bodies (the tabernacle) and every body parts/organs, to set them apart from the world the moment we believe in our hearts and confessed in our mouths the perfect work of Christ and that Jesus is our Lord and Savior.

If one has diseases in is body before this, this sanctification can heal and make him whole again.

If one was healthy before this, this sanctification can keep him strong and healthy for the rest of his life.

With this sanctification, the spirits and powers of this world cannot get near us, no destruction shall come near us.

Oh sweet Jesus, as I enjoy the great taste of olive oil. I am reminded of the anointing of Holy Spirit in my life and even my physical bodies. I also remember the price that You had paid, by Your crushing and death on the cross, to send the Holy Spirit to the world, to indwell in me. Jesus, I love you because You first loved me, AMEN!

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