Missing The Mark...Exd 23:33

Exd 23:33
"They shall not dwell in your land, lest they make you sin against Me. For if you serve their gods, it will surely be a snare to you."

When God brought the children of Israel out of Egypt, He want to bring them into their promised land. However, before that, He warned the children of Israel against co-habiting with the people of the land, the Canaanites.

Forsaking the warning from God, the children of Israel permitted some of the inhabitants of the land dwell among them. They even caused children of Israel to worship their gods. They are in their promised land but could not rest and enjoy.

Sin, in Hebrew, means missing the mark. The children of Israel, when they chose law over grace, effective chose to aim and hit the mark themselves, to gain their salvation, their peace with God through their obedient of law.

The Mark has come and they missed Him, not recognizing Jesus Christ as their Saviour.

My friend, oh the redeemed ones! You are already in the Mark, you are in Christ and when you are in Christ, there is no sin in you as far as God is concern because all He can see is Jesus when He look at you.

Brethren, we are different from the children of Israel who are under law, as you are under grace, and will never ever be snared upon even though you may still sin from time to time. Even as the Holy Spirit is still in the process of perfecting our soul to be like that of Christ, God does not see our present incomplete state but already see the final glorious Christ-like son of God. Praise His holy name for His faithfulness, AMEN!

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