In the beginning, God created man in their own image and after their likeness (Gen 1:26), perfect in every ways, spirit, soul and body, the Spirit of God was in them because they breath of life when God breathe into their nostril (Gen 2:7). However, when Adam and Eve sinned, the Spirit of God left them, their soul fell from rest and eventually their body died.
However, God has foreknew all these before the foundation of the world (1 Pe 1:20) and prepared His only begotten Son, Jesus, to be the Salvation of the world, so that man will be restored back to their original image, the image of Christ (Rom 8:29).
Therefore, I believe that the moment when a person believed Jesus as the Son of God and He died for him/her on the cross, taking away all his/her sins and his/her punishment, was resurrected on the third day and He is now seated on the right hand of God the Father, the restoration process began! The restoration started when the Holy Spirit once again inhabit his/her body.
However, the restoration of soul is where many of us stumbled, because the faculty of soul is where Satan still can stage his counter attack and sabotage God's plan and purpose for the person, to bring destruction of the person before his/her time and to slow down the expansion of His kingdom.
Satan understands that once a soul is fully restored and anchored solid on Jesus, the body will be fully restored as the life of the Spirit will flow unhindered and the person will be as blessed and Jesus, spirit, soul and body! Satan and his imps will try all means to hinder the soul restoration, by dislodging you from your Rest in Jesus because they need your 'cooperation' to restrict or even better, stop the flow.
Brethren, therefore fight the good fight of faith, to rest and settle on Jesus perfect and finished work on the cross. Do not believe any blasphemous lie from the bottomless pit that Jesus' work is imperfect and/or incomplete and you will still need to do something to complete the work of salvation, this will throw you into unrest, hiding from God, feeling unworthy (Gen 3:9). Even the restoration of your soul is the all work of Christ and none of you.
Brethren, even as you are going through the process of restoration of your soul and body, people of the world will see your outward manifestation of the image of God, in the love for others that overflowed from the love of Christ, in the favor and blessings of Christ in your life and in the divine health that you enjoy, and the whole world will marvel at the glory (Num 14:21) and want to know Christ. All glory to Jesus, AMEN!
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