Lord, Lord...Mat 7:21

Mat 7:21
"Not everyone who says to Me, 'Lord, Lord,' shall enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father in heaven.

Last night when I was having my quiet time, the Holy Spirit asked me, "Why do you address God as Lord when you pray?"

I answered, "Yes, it means He is my King, submitting my will unto Him and do His will"

And the Holy Spirit chuckled, "Is that so? What have you submitted to Him?"

Suddenly it dawned upon me that I have only selectively submitted to His Lordship in certain areas. A flood of guilt and condemnation immediately emerged but then the Holy Spirit arrested and convicted me of my righteousness in Christ, and despite all these Abba Father's love for me has (and will) never change(d) and I am still His beloved son. All the promises of Abba is still mine.

I was also reminded of the sermon by Pastor Joseph Prince awhile ago, where he touched on Mat 7:21. In that sermon, Pastor Prince expounded on "the will of the Father in Heaven".

Jesus in Hbr 10:9 said that He came to do the Father's will - to take away the first and establish the second. The first being the old covenant of works and the second being the new covenant of grace.

Hallelujah! What's this mean to me is that as long as I am trusting the grace of God in my life, even when there are areas that I foolishly did not submit myself to His Lordship, I am doing the will of God.

What this also mean is that in my walk with Christ, as He is transforming me more and more like Him each day, He is also putting more and more areas of my life under His Lordship all by His grace and none of my effort. Moreover, His Lordship is different from that of man (1Sa 8:11-18), for His burden is light and His yoke easy (Mat 11:30). The areas of my life that Christ has Lordship over are the areas the I have dominion over.

Trusting in the grace of God is the true submission to the Lordship of Christ that leads to true dominion over our lives, AMEN!

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